Extend the Life of your Used Vehicle

As the prices rise for a new car, more people are opting to buy used rather than new. If you are among the population that currently drives a used car, you know how important maintaining you car can be. The below tips will help make your used car last longer.

Drive carefully – This may seem like a no-brainer, but the way your vehicle is driven has a greater impact on its lifespan than nature. By making sure you drive the speed limit and making smooth start and go transitions, you can reduce unnecessary wear on your vehicle, in addition to improving gas mileage.
Follow recommended maintenance schedule – 40% of American drivers delay regularly scheduled maintenance to save money. Unfortunately, putting off these important checkups can eventually lead to costlier transactions. Items such as filter and fluid replacements and fixing minor repairs will help extend your vehicle’s life, as well as help you avoid poor performance or expensive repairs down the road. Simple maintenance items can make a huge difference. For example, changing your vehicle’s air filter when needed helps the engine last longer.
Keep your car clean – Remove dirt and debris from both the inside and outside of your car as often as possible. This prevents your car from aging prematurely. In addition, regularly cleaning often helps spot potential problems earlier, and gives you the opportunity to repair them before they get worse.
Monitor your cooling system – Your car’s cooling system is very important to keeping your engine well cared for. Maintaining the system along with having the right level of coolant can potentially save you thousands of dollars in future repairs.
Check Tire PressureKeep your tires in good shape – Your tires are your vehicle’s only contact with the road, therefore, should be properly maintained. Make sure your tires have the right amount of pressure and tread and get them rotated per your owner’s manual. Your tires impact the way your vehicle handles, which in turn impacts the condition of its parts.
Use high mileage motor oil – Two-thirds of vehicles on the road are considered high mileage, and many of them are a quart or more low on motor oil. With older cars, burn-off (the evaporation of oil) is a common occurrence. The problem is magnified when you car has an inadequate amount of oil. When the oil breaks down, it deposits a dirty emission in your engine, which causes it to be less efficient and prone to failure. High mileage motor oil is designed to combat the burn-off, as well as maintain the proper amount of oil. It is recommended for all cars with over 75,000 miles.
Keep accurate maintenance records – Keep a notebook in your car and document all services performed on it. Keep all receipts and documents in a safe place should you ever need to refer to them.
Shelter – If possible, keep your car in a garage or carport of some kind. The sun’s rays can be harmful to your car, and can cause premature aging as with people.
Pay attention to your warranty – If you have a warranty on your used car that is about to expire, there are a number of things you should do before it does. These include repairing damaged or concerning parts, checking for recalls, and getting a comprehensive checkup. You may want to consider an extended warranty, such as a vehicle service contract, which covers vehicle repairs, or a maintenance contract, which covers scheduled maintenance.

Getting ready to buy?
• If you are preparing to buy a car, do your research. Check performance and maintenance ratings on all vehicles you are considering. Sites such as Kelly Blue Book and Edmunds can help you determine the higher rated vehicles, which typically last longer. There is a tool that calculates the True Cost to Own (TCO), which helps show the maintenance and repair costs you can expect for particular vehicles.

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Best Type of Oil for Your Car? Synthetic Oil or Conventional Oil?

What type of oil should you use for your car?

No doubt at some point in time you may have heard the ongoing debate about which type of motor oil is best for your motor vehicle.

Functions of Motor Oil

Although the primary function of motor oils is to lubricate all the moving parts of the engine, it carries out a few other functions as well. Motor oils serve to keep the engine cool and provides protection against wear by reducing friction. It also prevents corrosion and keeps the engine free from small pieces of debris.

Conventional Motor Oil

Conventional motor oil has its origins in crude oil, which is pumped from the ground and is processed. A base oil is produced to which additives are added. This changes the properties of the liquid giving it protection properties, improved heat breakdown levels, and viscosity.

Synthetic Motor Oil

Unlike conventional motor oil the base oil of synthetic motor oil comprises artificial or synthesized components, thus its name. Like conventional motor oil however, additives are added to give it properties similar to those of conventional motor oil.

Differences Between Conventional and Synthetic Motor Oil

Although they both carry out the same functions both oils have significant differences in addition to having their pros and cons. Conventional motor oil contains minute amounts of wax, sulfur, and asphaltic material, which are by-products of its manufacturing process. Synthetic motor oil, on the other hand, because it is chemically produced, has none of these contaminants. Another difference between the two is that synthetic motor oils will flow at much lower temperatures making it preferable in harsh winter conditions. At these same low temperatures conventional motor oil would freeze. Being more consistent in size and shape, the molecules of synthetic motor oils better withstand extreme temperatures; hence it will take longer to break down under extreme heat than conventional motor oils. Synthetic motor oils have very low viscosity ratings and in some cases have been known to flow up to seven times faster than conventional motor oils. This comes in handy at engine start up time, as that is when the most engine wear is likely to occur.

Making Your Choice

In deciding on which motor oil you will be using there are other factors besides those already mentioned, which will have to be taken into account. One of these is the type of car that will be using the motor oil. A high performance racecar owner will obviously choose the synthetic motor oil, as that is the oil they were specifically made to use. Newer cars with smaller clearances will also lean towards synthetic motor oils. The cost of the motor oil will play a significant role in the decision on which oil to use too, as the cost of synthetic motor oil can be as much as four times that of conventional motor oil. If someone changes their car yearly they may say why bother towaste extra money on synthetic oil. The car’s age could also play a part as waxes and sludge build-up by conventional motor oil could mask worn engine seals. These could come to light with the introduction of synthetic motor oils, which tends to break down and clean away those build-ups, thus possibly causing leaks and creating problems.

For all of your oil change needs be sure to visit Car-X.com The debate is by no means over and the points here by no means exhaustive, but it is hoped that they will at least point you in the right direction when the time comes for you to buy motor oils

Tips for Choosing an Auto Repair Shop

auto repair tips
Tips for Choosing an Auto Repair Shop

With so many motor vehicles around these days one would have thought it would be a simple task to find an auto repair shop. In fact finding an auto repair shop is not so hard; the problem is finding a good one. What constitutes a good auto repair shop depends on a combination of factors among which are prices, customer service and the quality of the work. Here are some tips, which should prove helpful if you are looking for a good auto repair shop.

It is advised that you don’t wait until you actually need a mechanic to start looking for one. When the need for the services of a mechanic arises you should already have an auto repair shop in mind. You will find them in the phone book but looking at an ad and speaking to them on the phone will hardly be a good test of their competence. A better method is to ask around. Co-workers, neighbors and relatives may be able to recommend auto repair shops they have had first hand experience with. They may also tell you which ones to avoid.

You will need to do some detective work as well. A good idea would be to have a checklist of things to check out. Take note of the customer service, how they deal with another customer who may have a grouse about a completed job can be an eye-opener. Note if they seem organized and professional. This may not be easy as the garage area is often restricted to staff only. Enquire about prices if they are not displayed. Do they charge a flat fee or do they charge by the hour? Make a comparison with other auto repair shops. Find out if the auto repair shop honors warranties and if they have warranty programs of their own. Check to see if the mechanics are certified and if they belong to any industry organizations. This could be an indication of their level of competence. Certificates may be displayed but then again they could be fraudulent. Make sure that the facility is secure in case you have to leave the vehicle overnight. Perhaps it would be a good idea to verify if permits and insurance are up to date too.

Finding a reliable and trustworthy auto repair shop is important if you own a motor vehicle. Getting to know the people and building a good relationship there is key, as that would lessen the chances of you being ripped off by unscrupulous people. After all, you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of overpriced jobs and unnecessary repairs. For auto repair coupons be sure to visit Car-X Tire & Auto.

Car Engine Maintenance Tips

car engine maintenance tips
After you have spent a tidy sum on a car purchase, it makes sense to protect that investment by maintaining your car through regular check ups as prescribed by the manufacturer. If you become aware of any knocking, grinding or other noises emanating from your car, or if your car does not seem to have its usual power, then a further investigation into the cause is in order.

When you start the engine, it should start with no delay. The idling engine should be continuous and smooth, without any hiccups. Check your tailpipe to ensure that there are no black smoke or liquid emissions. Any moisture you see within the engine is most likely indicative of a leak.

Check the fan, timing and other belts to make sure that they are not cracked and brittle. If they are, get them changed out. Also, look at the fuel and air filters and make sure that they are clean and free of solid deposits, and examine the contacts on spark plugs.

If your engine oil level is insufficient, you risk ruining your entire engine. If you find that you have to top up oil frequently, then most likely there are gaskets that are faulty and need replacing. The marker on the dipstick will tell you the level of oil in the engine. Make sure that the oil is not above the “full” mark, nor close to the “empty” marker. Engine oil should not be dark brown or opaque, nor should it appear that it contains water.

Ensure that the level of coolant in the radiator is sufficient. Note, however, that this should not be done when the engine is already heated as you risk getting burned. The radiator fan should be in good working order to cool the engine sufficiently. The radiator hoses should be free of cracks and tears. Your temperature gauge should lie just below the mid-point between “Hot” and “Cold”: anytime the gauge moves colder to the “Hot” marker, immediately switch off your engine, let it cool for at least 20 minutes, and begin your investigation into the temperature rise.

Check the oil pressure: when you turn the starter, the oil indicator light should not stay on for longer than two seconds; if it does, turn off your engine directly and check the oil filter and engine oil levels.

If you find that the gears do not engage smoothly from first to second, second to Drive, and so on, check transmission fluid for sufficiency and efficacy.

How to Change a Tire

It is likely at some point in your life you will get a flat tire. Do you know what to do without having to ask for help?

• It is important to find a flat, level surface on which to change the tire. This will prevent the car from rolling.
• Your vehicle should be in “Park” and should have the parking brake on.
• Place heavy objects in front of both sets of tires.
• Getting out the jack and spare tire, place the jack under the frame of the car, near the tire you will be changing.
• If your car has plastic along the bottom, as most cars do, make sure the jack is in the correct spot based on your owner’s manual. If it is not in the correct spot, it could crack the plastic.
• Raise the jack to a point where it is supporting, not lifting, the car, ensuring it is firmly in place under the vehicle. It should be at a 90 degree angle to the ground.
• To remove the tire, you first need to take off the hubcap and loosen the nuts with a wrench, turning them counterclockwise. They do not need to be taken off completely, just loosened.
• Depending on the jack, pump or crank the jack to lift the tire up off the ground. While doing this, make sure that the car feels stable and the jack is lifting straight up and not at an angle.
• At this point, remove the nuts entirely. Remove the tire, keeping in mind that it may be stuck because of rust buildup. Hitting the tire with any sort of object (such as the spare tire), should loosen it.
• Aligning the rim of the spare tire with the bolts of the wheel, place the new spare tire on and put the nuts on.
• Tighten the nuts first by hand and then with the wrench once they get tighter.
• Lower the jack, but do not yet put the full weight on the tire. Tighten the nuts as much as possible, then lower the car completely to the ground and remove the jack.
• Ensure the nuts are tightened all the way and replace the hubcap.
• If the tire is not destroyed, take it into a mechanic. Tires with smaller holes can typically be repaired for under $20.
• Always refer to your owner’s manual if there are any questions about where things go.

If your replacement tire doesn’t cut it, see a local auto repair shop and pick up a new one.

For a demonstration, please see the below video.

Fixing Your Old Car vs. Buying a New One

Auto RepairAs drivers, there comes that inevitable time in which we are faced with a dilemma: Repair our current car or purchase a new one?

It is at this point in history, coming out of a recession, when we are starting to see more and more used cars on the road.  These drivers have the right idea; all evidence points toward going with a used car, repairing and maintaining it as you go along. The Car Care Council (CCC) and Engine Repower Council (ERC) both highly recommend repairing over buying new.

There is a general rule of thumb stating it is better to fix/repair your current car if it is less than ten years old, or has less than 150,000 miles on it.

Why? New cars can be very expensive, while older cars are mostly or fully paid off.  An argument against sticking with one’s old car is that repairs are expensive. But the fact is even pricier repairs come out to be about the amount of a year’s worth of payments on a new car. Plus, the cost of auto repair has significantly decreased over the past several years, and some shops even offer financing options. Finally, let’s not forget one of the most attractive reasons to choose a used car over a new car: cheaper car insurance.

Some people’s current car is in dire need of replacement. If this sounds like you and your car is in bad shape, it is best to replace it with a newer, but used car. There are several reasons to go this route. Even routine maintenance costs are much higher for new cars as opposed to older cars. Another thing to keep in mind is that today, automobiles are designed to last much longer than in the past, on average 200,000 miles. This means that even if you are purchasing a newer used car, even though it is used you will still get great usage for thousands of miles. Finally, when purchasing a newer used car, it is best to get needed financing through your bank, not the car dealership, because you will incur lower interest rates.

Having a well-maintained used car and a little extra money in your pocket is a great feeling, and a choice that will continue to grow in popularity.

Easy Transmission Maintenance

Transmission repair is one of the most costly and time-consuming car repairs. The transmission is what allows the automotive to move and shift gears. However, there are preventative steps you can take to minimize transmission problems. Car-x offers a free visual inspection of your system. Take advantage of the offer because it will save you money and time in the long run!

Extending the life of your transmission is easy! The MOST important thing to do is to keep your transmission fluid clean and to never let your fluid levels get low. Metal from gears and extreme heat generated by the transmission will contaminate transmission fluids over time and can lead to costly repairs. It’s essential to not only replace your fluid but your filter because it helps to keep your transmission fluid clean. Additionally, low fluid levels can lead to serious damage to your transmission.

So always keep your transmission fluids clean and full. Make sure you don’t have any leaks and that your filter is clean. Stop by Car-X today for your free visual inspection, and keep your transmission running smoothly!

To Change My Oil or Not?

Regular oil changes will save you money in the long run! Most car manufacturers now recommend oil changes between 7,500 and 10,000 miles, although some specify 5,000-mile intervals. The type of engine oil, the age and make of your vehicle and driving habits dictate when to change engine oil. When in doubt check your vehicle’s owner’s manual. If you put off oil changes, it can lead to engine damage.

In addition to regular oil changes, it’s highly recommended that you change your oil filter frequently. The oil filter protections your engine from abrasive particles such as dirt and other solid contaminants. If you wait too long to change the filter it can become clogged, and then as a result unfiltered oil will be circulated through your engine and can cause easily prevented corrosion or damage to your engine.

To find out just how often you should change your oil filter, make sure you consult with your Car-X Man during your next oil change and free inspection!

Expert Brake Service

Being able to stop quickly and smoothly is essential in a car. Quality brakes that function in top condition are fundamental to a driver’s safety. That’s why Car-X takes the matter seriously and offers free, no obligation brake system inspections.  Never neglect your brake system again.

Car-X is so confident in the quality of products and service that we offer a lifetime guarantee on brake pads and brake shoes for as long as you own your car. Key components in the braking systems, shoes and pads provide the majority of the stopping power by creating friction, absorbing heat and energy. Every time the pedal is pressed to stop the car, the shoes and pads bare the brunt of stress and wear.  Schedule an appointment today with the Brake Experts at Car-X.