One of the most important components of your car’s engine is its cooling system, as it is responsible for preventing the motor from overheating while driving. If you happen to notice, a bright green or orange fluid on the ground under your car, you could have a coolant leak and should get the issue addressed right away.
Let’s look at 5 reasons your car might be leaking coolant or what is known as anti-freeze.
Leak in the Radiator or Hoses
A car’s radiator is usually located in the front of the engine compartment, behind the grill. It is responsible for taking hot coolant from the engine and reducing its temperature. The coolant is then returned to the engine. This process is repeated in a continuous cycle.
If your radiator springs a leak, coolant will pour out onto the ground. This can be hazardous, as a leaking radiator will not be able to cool anti-freeze properly. In addition, the car’s coolant supply will eventually leak out, possibly causing severe engine damage. Take your car to a qualified technician to see if your radiator or one of its hoses is leaking.
Faulty Radiator Cap
Sometimes a leak can come from the radiator cap itself. Because the cap is constantly under extreme pressure, its seal can wear out, causing a fluid leak. A qualified repair shop can test your radiator cap for proper performance.
Water Pump Leak
Your car’s water pump is responsible for circulating coolant around the engine and to the radiator. Leakage is one of the first signs of a faulty water pump. A failing water pump can cause a vehicle to lose a great quantity of coolant and eventually overheat. Have an auto repair shop inspect your water pump for leaks and to determine if it is functioning properly.
Blown Head Gasket
A failed head gasket can cause serious damage to an engine, even to the point of seizure. The head of the engine is where the fuel, ignition, exhaust, and intake systems all come together to perform their various functions.
A car with a blown head gasket needs to be turned off right away, to avoid catastrophic damage from occurring. If you suspect that this has happened to your vehicle, consult with a qualified repair person immediately.
Expansion Tank Crack
When a car warms up to normal operating temperature, pressure builds up in the radiator which necessitates some of its coolant to be transferred to an expansion tank.
Over time, this plastic tank can crack, causing leaks. Have a trusted auto shop inspect your radiator system and its expansion tank. If you see a coolant leak coming from somewhere other than the radiator, have a technician check the expansion tank.
Car-X is Your One Stop Auto Repair Solution!
Car-X has been providing quality, reliable automotive service since 1971. If your car has developed a coolant leak, don’t wait to have it addressed, as it can lead to serious problems in a short time.
Call the Car-X Man and schedule an appointment for your vehicle. We will get your car running at top performance in no time!